The European Parliament voted last week to re-assess the use of cadmium in TV sets sold across Europe, saying safer alternatives to the toxic and carcinogenic substance were now widely available.

Cadmium is widely used in illumination and display lighting applications such as LCD screens used in television sets or desktop computers.

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La misión Dawn de la NASA capturó una secuencia de imágenes, tomadas con fines de navegación, de planeta enano Ceres, el 16 de mayo de 2015. La imagen muestra un grupo de puntos muy brillantes en Ceres, que siguen desconcertando a los científicos. La foto fue tomada desde una distancia de 4,500 millas (7,200 kilometros) y tiene una resolución de 2,250 pies (700 metros) por píxel.

"Los científicos de Dawn por ahora dicen que se puede concluir que el intenso brillo de estos puntos se debe al reflejo de la luz del sol por un material altamente reflectante en la superficie, posiblemente hielo"... 

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The same spring rains that lessen producers' concerns about drought can also lead to soil erosion and nutrient runoff. Keeping soil and fertilizers where they belong -- in the field -- benefits producers and the environment.

No-till farming, cover crops and rotational grazing will help producers reduce surface runoff to improve soil and water quality, according to South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station researcher Sandeep Kumar, an assistant professor in the SDSU plant science department.

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Have you ever just wanted to pick up and leave the foundation you call home? Kiruna knows the feeling.

Kiruna, a town in northern Sweden, built its riches upon the vast seam of iron ore, but the massive mine is now sinking the city of 23,000 residents. Now faced with a crisis, the town of Kiruna is moving to avoid catastrophe.

Northern Sweden is not the most welcoming place to build a city. With long, brutal winters and short, mild summers, Kiruna’s climate doesn’t exactly scream city material, but the iron resources that lie underneath it scream Mecca.

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Entre el 10 y el 30 por ciento de todos los medicamentos recetados y vendidos en mostrador, quedan sin consumir, según un informe del Estado de Washington, y todos esos medicamentos sobrantes presentan riesgos significativos para la salud pública y el medio ambiente. Los medicamentos que se tiran por el inodoro o son arrojados a la basura, en lugar de eliminarse adecuadamente, pueden terminar en los océanos y vías fluviales, amenazando tanto la vida marina como la salud humana. Mientras tanto, muchos individuos no se deshacen de sus medicamentos no utilizados en absoluto; simplemente almacenan los medicamentos en sus botiquines, una práctica que puede dar lugar a un mal uso y abuso de drogas.

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A dramatic shift has taken place in the glaciers of the southern Antarctic peninsula, writes Bert Wouters. Six years ago these previously stable bodies suddenly stated shedding 60 cubic kilometres of ice per year into the ocean. A stark warning of further surprises to come?

The fact that so many glaciers in such a large region suddenly started to lose ice came as a surprise. It shows a very fast response of the ice sheet: in just a few years everything changed.

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