In January 2024, Tropical Cyclone Belal lashed Réunion and Mauritius, islands in the southwest Indian Ocean east of Madagascar, with torrential rain and flooding.
Lab-Grown Retinas Explain Why People See Colors Dogs Can’t
With human retinas grown in a petri dish, researchers discover how humans generate the specialized cells that enable us to see millions of colors.
Toxic Algae Blooms: Study Assesses Possible Health Hazards to Humans
Florida’s 156-mile-long Indian River Lagoon (IRL) borders five different counties and has five inlets that connect the lagoon with the Atlantic Ocean.
Scaling up Urban Agriculture: Research Team Outlines Roadmap
Urban agriculture has the potential to decentralize food supplies, provide environmental benefits like wildlife habitat, and mitigate environmental footprints, but researchers have identified knowledge gaps regarding both the benefits and risks of urban agriculture and the social processes of growing more food in urban areas.
U.S. Health Costs Related to Chemicals in Plastics Reached $250 Billion in 2018
Harmful chemicals in plastics contribute to cancer, diabetes, other endocrine diseases.
Wristband Monitors Provide Detailed Account of Air Pollution Exposure
Environmental epidemiologists at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, in collaboration with an interdisciplinary team of researchers at Oregon State University, Pacific Northwest National Labs, and Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, report on the findings of a new study of air pollution exposures collected using personal wristband monitors worn by pregnant individuals in New York City matched with data from a questionnaire.