The hummocky highlands that straddle the border between the U.S. state of North Dakota and the Canadian province of Manitoba are called the Turtle Mountains.
Study Highlights Key Factors for Successful Restoration of Elkhorn Coral Colonies
Coral restoration should prioritize shallower depths with faster currents in low-nutrient environments to promote a healthier microbial community.
2024 Was the Warmest Year on Record
Earth’s average surface temperature in 2024 was the warmest on record, according to an analysis led by NASA scientists.
Storing Carbon in Buildings Could Help Address Climate Change
Construction materials such as concrete and plastic have the potential to lock away billions of tons of carbon dioxide, according to a new study by civil engineers and earth systems scientists at the University of California, Davis and Stanford University.
Don’t Write Off Logged Tropical Forests – Converting to Oil Palm Plantations Has Even Wider Effects on Ecosystems
A research team led by the University of Oxford has carried out the most comprehensive assessment to date of how logging and conversion to oil palm plantation affect tropical forest ecosystems.
Realistic Emission Tests for Motorbikes, Mopeds and Quads
As part of an international project consortium, TU Graz has developed new measurement techniques and methods to measure emissions from category-L vehicles in realistic operation and to determine corresponding limit values.