Coca-Cola Co. is working on a new type of beverage bottle that is more Earth-friendly and could potentially replace some of the environmentally harmful plastic it now uses.
Coca-Cola Co. is working on a new type of beverage bottle that is more Earth-friendly and could potentially replace some of the environmentally harmful plastic it now uses.
The new package, called "PlantBottle," replaces the conventional petroleum-based resin bottles with a blend of petroleum-based materials and up to 30 percent plant-based materials. The blend could make the bottles easier and cheaper to recycle, while reducing the time they remain in landfills.
"We're interested in developing the packaging of the future, which we think is going to be in some ways derived from either plants or something else that is a naturally occurring resource that's not under stress like petroleum," said Lisa Manley, a Coca-Cola spokeswoman.